Friday, October 03, 2008

Have another laugh

When the laughter at Palin's expense will have died down, especially after her acceptable performance in last night's vp debate, there's always the muslim clerics to turn to for your dose of ridicule. The last few weeks especially a good harvest of bad judgment on the part of muslim scholars has reached us from all over.

In Morocco, there was the recent fatwa declaring 9-year old girls as ready for marriage; then there was the Saudi license to kill all mice and Mickey Mouse in particular; next, and again in Saudi Arabia, a leading scholar issued a virtual death sentence on owners of television networks broadcasting "depravation and debauchery" (while in fact commenting on the wildly popular Turkish tv soap 'Noor', featuring a successful female fashion designer and her supportive husband); and now from Pakistan, comes this slice of baloney :

Pakistan President gets fatwa for 'flirting' with Sarah Palin
By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz U.S. correspondent

Muslim leaders in Pakistan have issued a fatwa against the country's new president for allegedly flirting with U.S. Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin at the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week.

A radical prayer leader in Pakistan said Asif Ali Zardari shamed the nation for "indecent gestures, filthy remarks, and repeated praise of a non-Muslim lady wearing a short skirt."

At the meeting between the pair, Zardari smiled, shook Palin's hand and engaged in a conversation with her. After meeting the vice presidential candidate, Zardari said he was very impressed by her.

Source : Haaretz

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Have a laugh

viva Tina Fey !

RETOOL EARTH #1 : I = f(P*A*T)


Onder die noemer organiseert Erasmushogeschool, dpt Rits dit academiejaar een reeks van vijf publieke avonden in Kaaitheater, waarin de denkoefening wordt gemaakt over een leefbare toekomst. Bereid u voor op een wonder mengsel van podiumkunst, wiskunde, biologie en demografie, smaakvol opgehoogd met een fikse snuif live radio en online media.

De eerste aflevering vijst voor u de mysterieuze formule I = f(P x A x T) uit elkaar onder het toeziend oog van live en virtuele gasten als daar zijn Hans Bruyninckx (KUL), Joost Van De Casteele, Els Viaene, Erik Corijn en Cosmopolis (VUB), Dieter Van Dam, Edward Burtynsky, Herman Asselberghs, en wie weet zelfs Louis Neefs (zelden nog aan het werk te zien tegenwoordig !).

Afspraak : DINSDAG 21 OKTOBER, 20u30, Kaaistudio's, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Vaakstraat 81, Brussel. Gratis toegang.

organization Jan De Pauw & Geert Opsomer & Martine Ketelbuters for the RITS Department of the Erasmushogeschool | in association with the Cosmopolis interdisciplinary research group (VUB), Dirk Verstockt/Boris vzw & Kaaitheater

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