Saturday, November 01, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Retool Earth online
Relive the first installment of a series of ten evenings at Kaaistudio's in Brussels, in the presence of lovely people like Hans Bruyninckx, Adam Zaretsky, Eric Corijn, Joost Vandecasteele, Els Viaene, Herman Asselberghs and not to forget .... Ellen.
See their video, hear their voices !
Retool Earth is an artistic and documentary research project set up by Erasmushogeschool dpt Rits, in conjunction with Kaaitheater, Cosmopolis VUB, XLAir and Boris vzw.
Come check us out at Kaaitheater or Retool Earth
Labels: art, environment, global thinking, performance, research, Retool Earth, sustainable development